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Beagle,  6   years old


Diagnosis: Bladder Mass

Treatment: Surgery


Last year, Violet was diagnosed with 3 urinary tract infections and crystals in her bladder, which required antibiotics each time to treat. In November 2019, she was straining to urinate and urinating blood, and by January 2020 she was urinating blood clots.


Our vet performed an ultrasound, which resulted in the discovery of a large tumor in her bladder. We were referred to a veterinary oncologist, who discussed chemotherapy and radiation treatments for Violet, and sadly only gave her 6 to 12 months to live depending on how much treatment we could afford. Prior to treatment, they performed a BRAF test that came back negative for cancer, stumping everyone. In an effort to get a proper diagnosis, the oncologist performed another ultrasound, a diagnostic catheterization, and a second BRAF test. All tests showed no cancer.


With no cancer present, we were given the green light to move forward with surgery to remove the mass, but there was one problem. We were out of money. The surgery center in Tustin recommended we contact Lexi’s Legacy, who provided our family a grant to save Violet’s life. Our family is so grateful.


Violet had her surgery and they biopsied the mass to be sure that she didn't have cancer, and the pathology report came back benign. Our Violet is a happy, healthy girl and will have many more years of life. Thank you Lexi's Legacy!


Love from The Murphy Family- 2020

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